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Saturday - July 27, 2024
About School
Our Pledge

What we see and our kids experience is a borderless world, one that extends far beyond our country. With all the macro level urgencies, environmental dangers, discriminations that we witness around us, It’s time for each one to recognize our role in it, remind ourselves that our responsibility extends beyond ourselves, our country, to humanity at large.

Conflicts, injustice etc are not merely a concern of the other but there lies the urgent need for each one of us to realize the role we play in it. Conscious acceptance and shifts in our attitude would have an effect on our behavior and ripple to others as well.

The Indian pledge is a part of our assemblies. We felt that along the years the relevance in today’s context required a re-alignment.

The TOS pledge was thus conceptualized with a belief that in its repetition, understanding the core principles would be reinforced, truth seen and it would become part of one’s self.

The meaning and relevance was spoken about during assemblies to the various levels then institutionalized as a part of the daily prayers.

Country Pledge

India is my country and all Indians are my brothers and sisters. I love my country and I am proud of its rich and varied heritage. I shall always strive to be worthy of it.

I shall give respect to my parents, teachers and elders and treat everyone with courtesy.

To my country and my people, I pledge my devotion.In their well being and prosperity alone, lies my happiness.

TOS Pledge

I, …………………,(student name) …………………(position) hereby, solemnly take this pledge

To show in my behavior that I respect everyone;

To actively listen to others’ opinions without my own bias and prejudice;

To represent and take decisions that address the collective and institutional interests;

To model a balanced approach to situations concerning my fellow students;

To ensure that rules and guidelines are used by me and others for a smooth functioning of the school;

To go all out to give my fellow students an equal and fair chance so no one experiences any form of discrimination;

To act in responsible ways so I handle this privilege of leadership position with great pride.

All this I promise to do with sincerity, integrity and to the best of my ability.

TOS Pledge